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    초등학생의 미세먼지에 대한 인식, 호흡기 관련 자각증상 및 신체활동정도가 건강증진행위에 미치는 영향
  • 451 


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of awareness regarding particulate matter, perceived respiratory symptoms, and physical activities on health promotion behavior in elementary school children. Methods: Data were collected from 639 4th~6th grades students from 8 elementary schools in Busan and analyzed using independent t-test and ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis. Results: The average for awareness regarding particulate matter was 29.84±5.63, for perceived respiratory symptoms, 0.66±0.95, and for health promotion behavior, 7.85±1.76. The mean amount of time the students spent in sleeping or sitting on an easy chair and/or activity while sitting were 10.71±3.04 and 6.60±2.84 hours a day. Factors influencing health promotion behavior in elementary school children were being a girl (β=.09, p=.015), in 4th grade (β=-.09, p=.025), residence in Busanjingu (β=-.10, p=.005), residence in Bukgu (β=-.12, p=.001), more than 10 years residence period (β=-.09, p=.020) and awareness regarding particulate matter (β=.42, p<.001). The explanation power of these variables was 23% (F=22.21, p<.001). Conclusion: It is recommended that for health education programs, gender, grade, length of residence and area’s air pollution level be considered and education program including guideline for particulate matter be provided continuously to elementary students to increase their level of awareness regarding particulate matter and proper physical activity. 

    핵심어: particulate matter, awareness, health behavior, physical activity, students